shree krishna teachiing quotes

kshree krishna teachiing quotes श्री कृष्ण शिक्षाओं उद्धर

1. "Set your heart upon your work, but never upon its reward."

2. "Do everything you have to do, but do not with greed, ego, lust, or envy, but with love, compassion, humility, and devotion."

3. The mind is restless and challenging to control, yet with practise it may be tamed.

4. Perform your required duties because taking action is always preferable to waiting.

5. You have the right to carry out your assigned task, but you are not entitled to the rewards for your efforts.

6. A person should rely solely on himself because he can succeed via his own mental efforts.

7. One who has mental control is calm under all conditions, including pain and pleasure and honour and dishonour.

8. ."Eternal peace is won by the self-controlled soul who moves among sense objects free from either attachment or repulsion."

9. "I make Myself known on earth whenever righteousness wanes and unrighteousness increases."

10. "The soul neither is born, nor is it killed."

11. "The happiness that results from long practise, that results in the cessation of suffering, that at first is like poison, but at last is like nectar—that happiness arises from one's own mental tranquilly."

12. "Those who are only driven by a desire for the results of their actions are miserable because they are always worried about the outcomes of what they do."

13. According to the saying, "A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and place, and when we expect nothing in return."

14. "One who sees inaction in action and inaction in inaction, he is wise among men."

15. The quote goes, "He who has no attachments can really love others, for his love is pure and divine."
You won't leave with anything after coming in empty-handed.

16. "The true renunciation is to offer all actions to the divine and renounce the ego of 'doer-ship'."

17. "The mind is unwavering, like the flame of a lamp in a windless place, when meditation is perfected."

18. Renunciation is the acceptance that nothing is yours; it is not giving up your possessions.

19."See the divine in all creatures and love them as you love God."


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